12.00–14.00 Mini-milonga "Dance every tanda!" Tdj Margus Kivi
 Among our participants are tangueros who have been to Tallinn for several times (thanks for your loyalty!) and know our city so well that they could be guides themselves. As an extra, a small milonga is planned for them before our December 31st dinner.

12.45–14.15 Free excursion in the Old Town of Tallinn by Maivi Kärginen-Kivi. Tour starts from the encuentro place (address Raekoja plats 14) and ends in front of New Year´s dinner place Restaurant Maikrahv. Address Raekoja plats 8.

"Firsts" in Tallinn Since this year we are dancing at a very special location, that used to be the gathering place for the first ever session of independent Estonian government in 1918, and the New Year Eve dinner also takes place in significant spot where first dance cafe used to be in Tallinn in 1920s, then the whole guided tour will be dedicated to "firsts" in Tallinn. We will discover which church was built first, where is the oldest still intact house (spoiler - it dates back to 14th century), where is the oldest cafe, public clock, bell, etc.True treat for the history lovers!So see you in the last day of this year!

Maivi Kärginen-Kivi is a historian, museum worker and a guide, who is born in Tallinn and knows it`s every secret. The most prominent people that she has introduced history are Swedish Crown Princess and President of Estonia (2018). From 2017 she also started special tours for tango people and has researched about tango history in Estonia, that culminated in article in 2021. As much as she loves history, she also loves tango, as together with her husband they have a local tango salon, where weekly milongas are held. And as a fun fact she also has the biggest collection of Barbie dolls in Estonia.

14.15–16.30 New Year's Eve festive dinner at the Maikrahv restaurant on Town Hall Square, address Raekoja plats 8. Bon appetit, everyone!

21.00–02.30 Milonga. Tango Dj Igoris
Break at 00:00 for champagne and sweets.